06 Апрель
used to describe the semantic web is complicated enough C at a glance it looks a bit quantum theoryish just enough to make your eyes roll back into your head to look for ways to kill themselves C but tim bernerslee whos responsible for all those ws littering your urls inspired enough faith that whatever the semantic web was it could be accomplished semantic web developer mor naaman however amidst a now somewhat miffed semantic web developer crowd pulled rank and declared the semantic web dead a researcher at yahoo research berkeley naaman presented his case at the international world wide web conference in alberta canada naaman relegated bernerslees vision of a cooperative web where people and machines get along in digitized organized artificial intelligence harmony via tags told ya this is some heady quantum stuff to a pipe dream naaman reminds bernerslee that people in general especially collectively just aint that bright the semantic web youswtor credits kaufenu see relies in large part on people tagging their online media in a rather standardized academic highminded meaningful and structured way and naaman thinks thats too much to ask: there is no way that we can engage the masses in annotating media with semantic labels at best we can get the people to annotate content such as flickr images or youtube videos with short text descriptions or tags hmmm yes very aristotelian i like it sounds like naamans actually observed the primates in question down the block from me one of these primates spraypainted his name on the road with stencil its not a complicated name a fourletter smacker spelled jakc apparently naaman modified his original use of the word dead as it was intended more as a conversationstarter opting for something closer to unachievable certainly bernerslee has wowed the world in the past it wouldnt be surprising if he heard rhetoric like this before his historic launch of an html page so what does ol tbswtor creditsbl have to say about it lets check his blog he says blogging is great um at least he thought so last november i doubt sonys ability to implement it and execute it in a really rich and compelling way playstation network is not xbox live its not even close to think about layering home on top of thatCwow the hardest part is not even creating the system its regulating the behaviour and all of that too boy thats a massive investment in infrastruccture
09 Апрель 2012, 12:47
Я впечатлен! Реально информативный сайт standing.rusedu.net , просто хотел покомментить и поддержать качество работы.